February 28, 2011

XPages:RedirectSignal - found the issue

A while back Rasmus reported an error constantly appearing in the logfiles on our servers. Read the entry here: http://devxpages.blogspot.com/2010/10/http-jvm-comibmxspaclredirectsignal.html

As written then, noone seemed to know why the RedirectSignal message appeared in the logs. Finally we have figured out whats the source of this weird and "unknown" message.

In some of our XPages files, xsp, we use a function context.redirectToPage() to forward the user to the desired page. A code example:

if (someCondition) {
return context.redirectToPage("myXpage1",false);
} else {
return context.redirectToPage("myXpage2",false);

Removing this code seems to solve the problem.. Finally!